Asian Precipitation Experiments (AsiaPEX) is a recent launched prospective GEWEX RHP (Regional Hydroclimatological Project) focusing on Asian monsoon, based on achievements of the MAHASRI project (2006-2016).
Main objective of AsiaPEX is understanding of Asian land precipitation over diverse hydroclimatological conditions for better prediction, disaster reduction and sustainable development.
The focus of the Kick-Off Conference is to exchange ideas associated with all aspects of hydroclimatological research. They range all main objectives, scientific approaches and key questions of the AsiaPex project. After the closing session on 30 August, two sight seeing tours around Sapporo have been organized. Costs are 3000 JPY per person. If you would like to attend one of these tours make sure you mark your preference when you register.
For more information click here.
A big “Thank You” to the organizing committee, participants and host, Hokkaido University, for a successful Kick-Off Conference of AsiaPEX, an exciting new RHP of the GEWEX Hydroclimatology Panel.