Please note that you may need an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) to visit Canada. Most people who are not citizens of the US and Canada have to apply for an eTA, and this cannot be done on the same day of travel. Please check for details and see whether you need it here.
Draft Conference Program
The full draft program can be viewed as a PDF here. Side meetings and pre-Conference events, including the community event on Saturday 5 May and the Joint YESS-YHS Early Career Researcher Workshop from 3-5 May, are detailed here.
*Breakfast and lunch are provided to Conference attendees as part of the registration package from Monday 7 May through Friday 11 May
1700-2000 Check-In and Badge Pick-Up *Please note that registering and paying on-site at the Conference is not possible
1900-2130 Reception
0730-0930 Check-In and Badge Pick-Up *Please note that registering and paying on-site at the Conference is not possible
0830-1005 Opening Plenary (Chair: TBD)
0830 Opening & Introduction (Peter van Oevelen, IGPO, and John Pomeroy, USASK)
0835 Welcome (Dr. Stephen Lucas, Deputy Minister of Environment and Climate Change Canada)
0845 Welcome (Honorable Shannon Phillips, Minister of Environment and Parks, Government of Alberta)
0855 Welcome (John Borrowman, Mayor of Canmore)
Invited Talks
0905 The Changing Cold Regions Network – Integrating Disciplines across Regions to Deliver New GEWEX Science (Howard Wheater, USASK)
0925 Global Water Futures Programme and its Science Contributions to GEWEX (John Pomeroy, USASK)
0945 Extremes and water on the edge: Including the human footprint (Sonia Seneviratne, ETHZ)
1005 Lightning Talks (D. Betancourt, A. Bertoncini, S. Chan, H. Chen, J. Flemke, DK. Kang, I. Mbachu, W. May, T. Roth, R. Schiemann, C. Tao)
1035 Break
1100-1230 Morning Parallel Sessions
S1. Open Session on Water and Extremes Research (Crocus Room)
1100 What is driving observed trends in intense convective systems over tropical North Africa (Christopher Taylor, CEH)
1115 Atmospheric Rivers: Water Extremes that Shape Our Global Weather and Climate (Duane Waliser, NASA-JPL)
1130 Subseasonal prediction of South American monsoon rainfall: active and break episodes, extremes and the contribution of MJO (Alice Grimm, UFPR)
1145 Emerging results from the 2016 INCOMPASS field campaign of Indian monsoon (Andrew Turner, RDG)
1200 Global evaluation of apparent trends in terrestrial water storage observed by GRACE (Matthew Rodell, NASA)
1215 Water Cycle Science Coordination Among U.S. Federal Agencies to Advance Predictive Understanding of Water Cycle Extremes and Their Impacts (Jennifer Arrigo, USGCRP)
S23A. Land-Atmosphere Interactions and Climate Predictability, Including Subseasonal to Seasonal Prediction (Continued on Tuesday Morning) (Orchid Room)
1100 Impact of Soil Moisture Initial Conditions Derived from Models and Observations on Short-Term Weather Prediction (Joseph Santanello, NASA)
1115 On the Soil Moisture Memory and Its Impacts on Seasonal Forecasts over Australia: A coupled model study (Huqiang Zhang, BOM)
1130 The high relevance of the biogeophysical impacts of land use change in low emission scenarios (Benoit Guillod, ETHZ)
1145 The Land-Atmosphere Feedback Experiment (LAFE) (Joe Santanello, NASA)
1200 Revisiting mechanisms and regimes of soil moisture influence on convective initiation (Ian Williams, LBL)
1215 Investigating a possible contribution of land surface processes on extreme hot event in Northeast Eurasia in recent summer (Tomonori Sato, Hokudai)
S9. Energy and Water Budget Closure and Advances in Assessment Techniques (Ladyslipper-Arnica Room)
1100 Top-of-Atmosphere Earth Radiation Budget and Cloud Changes During the 2014-2016 El Nino Event (Norman Loeb, NASA)
1115 Estimating North Atlantic Ocean heat budget and its variability from VOS observations (Sergey Gulev, MSK)
1130 Inverse modeling of the Earth’s energy and water budgets (Keith Haines, Reading)
1145 Global, Terrestrial Energy Budget Validation and Closure using Remotely-Sensed Satellite Data (Eric Wood, Princeton)
1200 Revisited sea level budget over 2005-2015 indicates a large Earth energy imbalance (Benoit Meyssignac, LEGOS)
1215 Temporal Variability of Atmospheric Column Energy Balance Residual (Seiji Kato, NASA)
1230-1445 Lunch provided in the Concourse and Poster Session A
1445-1645 Afternoon Parallel Sessions
S25: High-Resolution Modeling and Resolved/Permitted Convection (Crocus Room)
1445 Representation of heavy precipitation and its future change in convection-permitting models (Elizabeth Kendon, UCAR)
1500 Systematic Assessment of Mesoscale Convective Systems in MPAS Variable Resolution Climate Simulations over North America (Ruby Leung, PNNL)
1515 The effect of permitted versus parameterized convection on the simulation of tropical extra-tropical interactions over Southern Africa (Neil Hart, Oxford U)
1530 Tropical Precipitation Variability In the FGOALS-F2 High-resolution Coupled Climate Model (Qing Bao, IAP)
1545 Convective precipitation initiation over the eastern foothills of the Canadian Rockies under historical and future climate conditions (Lucia Scaff, UASK)
1600 Global high-resolution observational rainfall data set for convection-permitting model evaluation (Hayley Fowler, NCL)
1615 Novel Seasonal Latitude-Belt Simulation from 60 N to 60 S with 3 km Resolution (Thomas Schwitalla, U of Hohenheim)
1630 Rediscovery of the doldrums in storm-resolving simulations over the tropical Atlantic (Daniel Klocke, DWD)
S16. Heat Waves and Heat Extremes in the Past, Present, and Future Climate (Orchid Room)
1445 Future amplification of hot extremes due to land-atmosphere interactions: Understanding and reducing the model uncertainties (Markus Donat, UNSW)
1500 Changes in regional heatwave characteristics as a function of increasing global temperature (Sarah Perkins-Kirkpatrick, UNSW)
1515 Influence of blocking on heat waves in large model ensembles (Jana Sillman, CICERO)
1530 Exploring the contribution of land-atmosphere feedbacks to hot extremes in CMIP5 models (Anna Ukkola, UNSW)
1545 Attribution of heat wave-induced urban boundary layer warming (Dan Li, Boston U)
1600 Extremely hot or not? Divergent projections for precipitation in Central Europe explain uncertainties in extreme temperatures (Martha Vogel, ETHZ)
1615 Impacts of snow darkening effects by light absorbing aerosols on hydroclimate of Eurasia during boreal spring and summer (William Lau, UMD)
1630 Characteristics of extreme temperatures and persistent heat waves over East China from ground station observations and numerical modeling (Nicolas Freychet, U Edinburgh)
S14. The Mountain Water Cycle (Ladyslipper-Arnica Room)
1445 Retrospective and Realtime Snow Analysis of the National Water Model Using In-Situ and Remotely Sensed Observations (Logan Karsten, NCAR)
1500 High-resolution hydrological forecasting of the June 2013 flood in the Canadian Rockies (Vincent Vionnet, USASK)
1515 Applying hybrid downscaling to simulate change in California’s Sierra Nevada (Alex Hall, UCLA)
1530 A new climatology of North American mountain snow water storage and impacts on river basin-scale water budgets (Melissa Wrzesien, OSU)
1600 Advancing precipitation estimation and hydrologic simulations in cold mountainous basins using recent satellite observations (Ali Behrangi, NASA)
1615 Impacts of snowpack accumulation and summer weather extremes on alpine glacier hydrology (Caroline Aubry-Wake, USASK)
1630 Snowpack change from 1982-2016 over Continental United States (Xubin Zeng, U of Arizona)
1645 Break
1715-1815 Plenary – Extreme Weather in a Changing Climate (Chair: Graeme Stephens)
1715 Understanding and Predicting Water and Extremes (Jin Huang, NOAA/CPO)
1735 A value chain approach to Extreme Earth (Paolo Ruti, WMO/WWRD)
1755 Attributing human induced changes in extreme weather (Michael Wehner, LBNL)
1815 End of day
0830-1000 Plenary on Extremes (Chair: TBD)
0830 The World Climate Research Programme Grand Challenge on Weather and Climate Extremes (Lisa Alexander, UNSW)
0900 How much information is required to well-constrain local estimates of future precipitation extremes? (Francis Zwiers, Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium)
0930 Exploiting the climate archives for meaningful events (Bart van den Hurk, KNMI)
1000 Lightning Talks (S. Dong, M. Gross, M. Liberato, C. McCray, I-H Park, N. Tandon, T. Trautmann, M. Ungerovich, M. Vogel)
1030 Break
1100-1230 Morning Parallel Sessions
S19. Detection and Attribution of Climate Extremes (Crocus Room)
1100 A new normal for streamflow over northern California: Less moderates, more extremes (Iman Mallakpour, UCI)
1115 The 100-year flood seems to be changing. Can we really tell? (Chris Forest, PSU)
1130 Anthropogenic Influences on the Intensity and Rainfall of Major Tropical Cyclone Events (Christina Patricola, LBL)
1145 Attribution of extreme wildfire risk in western Canada (Megan Kirchmeier-Young, UVIC)
1200 Contribution of atmospheric river to extreme snowfall events across British Columbia, Canada (Aseem Sharma, UNBC)
1215 The 1930s Dust Bowl heat waves: Were they Atlantic forced, and did anthropogenic climate change play a role? (Tim Cowan, U Edinburgh)
S23B. Land-Atmosphere Interactions and Climate Predictability, Including Subseasonal to Seasonal Prediction (Continued from Monday) (Orchid Room)
1100 Local soil moisture-rainfall correlation at varying spatial scale (Chiara Holgate, ANU)
1115 Convective clouds and soil moisture: Investigation using ground-based observations at US Southern Great Plains (Yunyan Zhang, LLNL)
1130 Impact of climate and associated land cover changes on the hydrology of the Mackenzie River Basin (Mohamed Elshamy, USASK)
1145 Effects of Snow on Seasonal Predictability of the Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall (Subodh Saha, Tropmet)
1200 Benefits of explicit urban parameterization in regional climate modeling to study climate and city interactions (Aude Lemonsu, Météo-France)
1215 Potential Impact of vegetation on the land-atmosphere within an NWP framework (Souhail Boussetta, ECMWF)
S7. Cold Regions Earth System Changes, Including Precipitation Occurring Near 0°C (Ladyslipper-Arnica Room)
1100 An Assessment of Near 0°C Temperature and Precipitation Characteristics Across Canada (Ronald Stewart, U Manitoba)
1115 Observed and projected trends in seasonal terrestrial snow cover from observational and climate model ensembles (Chris Derksen, ECCC)
1130 Characterization of weather conditions associated with freezing precipitation and changes of the frequency of its occurrence (Pavel Groisman, UCAR)
1145 Climatic, Cryospheric, Ecological, and Hydrological Change in the Interior of Western Canada: The Changing Cold Regions Network and its activities as a GEWEX RHP (Chris DeBeer, USASK)
1200 Trends of water budget components and river discharge extremes in Arctic basins (Matthieu Guimberteau, IPSL)
1215 Snow Water Equivalent Response to Hydrometeorological Variability, Climate Change, and Extreme Winter Storms Across the Western United States (Laurie Huning, UCI)
1230-1445 Lunch provided in the Concourse and Poster Session B
1445-1645 CLIVAR/GEWEX Monsoon Panel Meeting (by invitation): Wapiti Room
1445-1645 Afternoon Parallel Sessions
S18. Addressing the Challenge of Compound Events and S26. Documenting Extremes (Crocus Room)
1445 Multi-hazard Modeling in Coastal Systems (Hamed Moftakhari Rostamkhani, UCI)
1500 Assessment of the performance of the top-down approach to study compound events on the example of the Role of Atmospheric Rivers in compound events along the Dutch coast (Nina Ridder, KNMI)
1515 Intensified departures from natural variability in coupled climate variables (Colin Mahony, UCI)
1530 Accelerated Warming of Temperatures during Droughts (Felicia Chiang, UCI)
1545 Dynamics of extreme rainfall events in Summer in Southern Uruguay (Matilde Ungerovich, Universidad de la República)
1600 Recent trends in precipitation, temperature and stream flow extremes – from gauges to reanalysis to climate models – impact of spatial scale (Francois Brissette, ETSMTL)
1615 Quantification of changes in observed precipitation distributions globally using a new land-based gridded data set of daily precipitation with coverage back to 1950 (Steefan Contractor, UNSW)
1630 Assessment of Observational Uncertainty in Extreme Precipitation Events over the Continental United States (Emily Slinskey, PDX)
S17. Storms and High Impact Weather (Orchid Room)
1445 HI Weather: the challenge of predicting disasters (Brian Golding, UK Met Office)
1500 The role of the lake-land breeze circulation in the formation and propagation of storms over Lake Victoria (Beth Woodhams, University of Leeds)
1515 Contributions of different time scale variations to tropical cyclogenesis over the western North Pacific (Xi Cao, IAP)
1530 Hail frequency estimation based on geostationary satellite detection (Heinz Jürgen Punge, KIT)
1545 Tropical cyclone prediction skill and MJO dependence in the S2S data set (Suzana Camargo, Columbia U)
1600 High-Impact Weather Events Associated with Interacting Tropical Cyclones over the Western Pacific in August 2016 (Lance Bosart, U Albany)
1615 Future Changes in Moisture Transport towards the Alps (Regula Mülchi, UNIBE)
1630 Process-Oriented Diagnostics of Tropical Cyclones in Global Climate Models (Yumin Moon, U Washington)
S10. Global Energy and Water Cycles, Clouds and Radiation (Ladyslipper-Arnica Room)
1445 Global Cloud Type Distributions and Their Roles in Coupling the Global Water and Energy Cycles (Zhien Wang, U Wyoming)
1500 Process-based versus energy-based constraints on cloud microphysics: Implication for aerosol-cloud interactions (Kentaroh Suzuki, U Tokyo)
1515 The GEWEX water vapor assessment (G-VAP): final results from first phase and the future of G-VAP (Marc Schroeder, DWD)
1530 Radiative contribution to the North-American cold air outbreaks in a Lagrangian perspective (Natalia Bliankinshtein, McGill U)
1545 Water Cycle Variability over the Global Oceans: Wet-get-Wetter, Dry-get-Drier Regimes in Reanalyses and Observations (Franklin Robertson, NASA)
1600 El Nino Coupled Tropical Land Surface Hydrologic Response (Michael Bosilovich, NASA)
1615 Anthropogenic Forcing of Hemispheric Rainfall Shifts (Brian Soden, U Miami)
1630 Tropical-Extra-tropical Interactions Associated with the Asia-Australian Monsoon (Aurel Moise, BOM)
1645 Break
1715-1815 Plenary – Water and Extremes from Space
1715 Water and Energy Cycle Related Missions (Graeme Stephens, NASA)
1735 ESA EO Program and Opportunities for GEWEX (Diego Fernandez, ESA)
1755 JAXA EO Program and Opportunities for GEWEX (Riko Oki, JAXA)
1815 End of day
0830-1000 Plenary on Water (Chair: TBD)
0830 Climate Change and Mountain Hydrology: Results from the Global Energy and Water Exchange (Roy Rasmussen, NCAR)
0900 Integrating human water management into land surface models (Jan Polcher, LMD)
0930 Challenges in process-based hydrologic modeling (Martyn Clark, NCAR)
1000 Lightning Talks (F. Attig Bahar, J. Basara, E. Behrens, J. Evans, J. Giles, X. Guan, K. Hibino, D. Kattel, Y-H Kim, D. Lawrence, E. van der Linden, S. Luo, S. Mandal, T. Marthews, J. Rivera, Z. Yin)
1030 Break
1100-1230 Morning Parallel Sessions
S5. Irrigation Hydrology and S11. Water Cycle Over the Breadbaskets (Crocus Room)
1100 Modeling the Land Use and Land Cover Changes in the Upper Euphrates and Tigris Basin: How Does It Affect the Regional Water Budget and Energy Balance Under A Changing Climate? (Yeliz Yılmaz, ITU)
1115 Evaluating the utility of satellite soil moisture retrievals over irrigated areas and the ability of land data assimilation methods to correct for unmodeled processes (Sujay Kumar, NASA GSFC)
1130 Irrigation Signals Detected from Satellite Soil Moisture Retrievals (Patricia Lawston, NASA)
1145 The Role of the Global Energy and Water Cycle Information in the Water-Energy-Food Nexus (Richard Lawford, U Morgan)
1200 Water footprint analysis of barley production in Alberta: implications for water use and yields to 2064 (Mohammad Masud, U Alberta)
S21. Climate Extremes, Ecosystems and Society: Impacts, Feedbacks and Emergency Risks (Orchid Room)
1100 Risks from climate extremes change differently from 1.5°C to 2.0°C depending on rarity (Xuebin Zhang, ECCC)
1115 Exploring plant mortality and ecosystem recovery from unprecedented climate extremes: Unifying hypotheses to guide modeling and experimental studies (Jennifer Holm, LBL)
1130 The southern African climate under 1.5° and 2°C of global warming as simulated by CORDEX models (Genito Maure, Eduardo Mondlane)
1145 Impacts of climate Extremes over selected African Coastal Cities under 1.5 degrees and 2 degrees C global warming (Victor Indasi, CSAG)
1200 Climate extremes in the key wheat producing regions of the world (Andrea Toreti, European Commission, JRC)
1215 Heat stress and fire risk: opposing effects of climate model biases on risk uncertainty (Jakob Zscheischler, ETHZ)
S15A. Land-Atmosphere Interactions and Water Cycle over the Third Pole Region (Continued on Thursday) (Ladyslipper-Arnica Room)
1100 Pan-Third Pole Environment (Pan-TPE) (Tandong Yao, ITPCAS)
1115 Tibetan-Iranian Plateau- the elevated driver of water and energy cycle in Asia (Guoxiong Wu, LASG)
1130 Modeling interactions between land surface processes and climate in Tibetan Plateau (Yongkang Xue, UCLA)
1145 Remotely sensed albedo and surface temperature of snow and ice: A contribution to estimation of the energy balance of snow and glaciers (Jeff Dozier, UCSB)
1200 Characterizing the spatiotemporal distribution of snow in the high mountain Asia and its impact on runoff (Yeosang Yoon, NASA)
1215 A ground experiment of active and passive microwave remote sensing of snow and frozen soil (Jiancheng Shi, RADI)
1230-1445 Lunch provided in the Concourse and Poster Session C
1445-1645 Afternoon Parallel Sessions
S20. Droughts in Present and Future Climate (Crocus Room)
1445 Drought Persistence Errors in Global Climate Models (Heewon Moon, ETHZ)
1500 The Impact of Land-Atmosphere Coupling on the Development of Flash Droughts (Joshua Roundy, U Kansas)
1515 Do plants follow a profit maximization approach during drought? (Manon Sabot, UNSW)
1530 Climate change will redefine soil drought in Europe (Stephan Thober, UFZ)
1545 Skill of hydrological drought forecasting outperforms meteorological ones (Samuel Sutanto, Wageningen University and Research)
1600 Seasonal scale drought forecasting in Africa and the Middle East (Shrad Shukla, UC Santa Barbara)
1615 A 2000 year drought data set for present-day and 2K temperature increase (Niko Wanders, Utrecht U)
1630 An Overview of Current Research using In Situ, Modeled, and Remotely Sensed Data to Identify and Monitor Flash Drought Events (Jason Otkin, U Wisconsin)
1645 Global Teleconnections between Pacific and Atlantic Ocean Surface Temperature Variability and Regional Hydrologic Cycle (Xiaoya Zhang, University of Tokyo, presented by Hyungjun Kim)
S4. Sub-daily Rainfall Extremes and S6. Changes in Rainfall Intensity and Distribution (Orchid Room)
1445 Climatology and extreme value analysis of a high-resolution blended Radar and rain gauge sub-daily precipitation data set for Switzerland (Olivia Martius, U Bern)
1500 The Long-term Changes in Extreme Hourly Precipitation and Its Possible Link to Urbanization in Coastal South China during 1971-2016 (Yali Luo, CMA)
1515 Projected intensification of sub-daily rainfall extremes in convection-permitting climate model simulations over North America: Historical evaluation and implications for future Intensity-duration-frequency curves (Alex Cannon, ECCC)
1530 Creating a global sub-daily precipitation data set (Elizabeth Lewis, NCL)
1545 Regional scale soil-moisture feedbacks in a convection permitting simulation over Africa (Sonja Folwell, CEH)
1600 Stochastic simulation of mesoscale convective systems to assess the evolution of hydrological extremes in the West African Sahel (Théo Vischel, U Grenoble Alpes)
1615 New Insights into Increased Seasonal to Interannual Water Cycle Variability Across the Great Plains (Jeffrey Basara, U Oklahoma)
1630 Convective and stratiform processes in a convection permitting model over the Maritime Continent (Claire Vincent, U Melbourne)
S2. Regional Hydroclimate Projects (Ladyslipper-Arnica Room)
1445 Integrated Earth System Modeling for the Baltic Sea Region (Markus Meier, Leibniz-IOW)
1500 Estimation of the surface energy budget components in the region of the PannEx RHP (Monika Lakatos, OMSZ)
1515 Winter very long dry spell over the Mediterranean Basin (Philippe Drobinski, LMD/IPSL)
1530 Baltic Earth – Extending the knowledge of the regional Earth system in the Baltic Sea region (Marcus Reckermann, HZG)
1545 Estimating riverine fresh water flux into the Mediterranean Sea (Fuxing Wang, LMD)
1600 Impacts of climatic oscillations on Mediterranean hydrology (Wouter Dorigo, TU Wien)
1615 High-resolution hydrological seasonal forecasting for water resources management over Europe (Ming Pan, Princeton U)
1630 Towards establishment of the science plan of the post-MAHASRI RHP (Toru Terao, Kagawa U)
1645 Break
1715-1815 Plenary – Land and Water Use in a Changing Climate
1715 The NEXUS of Land, Food, Energy and Water: Water Management in Global Models (Richard Harding, CEH)
1735 Land and Water Management in ESMs (David Lawrence, UCAR)
1755 Climate-Informed Decision Making under Deep Uncertainty (Anil Mishra, UNESCO)
1815 Conference proceedings end for the day
1930 Conference Dinner (Keynote: Alan Betts on “The Challenges Ahead”)
Screening of documentary on the Changing Cold Regions Network
0830-1000 Plenary on GEWEX Panels (Chair: TBD)
0830 GEWEX Hydroclimatology Panel (GHP) (Jason Evans, UNSW/Joan Cuxart, UIB)
0850 GEWEX Data and Analysis Panel (GDAP) (Rémy Roca, OMP-LEGOS)/Tristan L’Ecuyer, UW-Madison)
0910 Global Land/Atmosphere System Study (GLASS) (Gab Abramowitz, UNSW)/Michael Ek, NCAR)
0930 Global Atmospheric System Studies (GASS) (Xubin Zeng, U. Arizona)/Daniel Klocke, DWD)
0950 Discussion
1000 Lightning Talks (L. Araque, J. Cuxart, W. Dorigo, T. Holmes, H. Wang, H. Wu)
1030 Break
1100-1230 Morning Parallel Sessions
S24. Benchmarking and Metrics (Crocus Room)
1100 What could be the impact of neglecting surface momentum flux evaluation? (Graham Weedon, UK Met Office)
1115 Probabilistically constrained climate projections of water availability over land (Ryan Padron, ETHZ)
1130 Why do rainfall projections from GCMs and RCMs differ? A synoptic circulation method approach over southern Africa (Izidine Pinto, CSAG)
1145 Challenging models with data from a multi-factor carbon dioxide and warming experiment (Martin De Kauwe, UNSW)
1200 Similarity Assessment of Land Surface Model Outputs in the North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS) (Sujay Kumar, NASA)
1215 The role of planetary boundary layer height in coupled model benchmarking (Craig Ferguson, U at Albany-SUNY)
1230-1245 Evaluation of drydown processes in global land surface and hydrological models using flux tower evapotranspiration data (Alberto Martinez, CEH)
S3. Evapotranspiration Determination and S22. Soils in Water and Climate Models (Orchid Room)
1100 Assessing the role of sub-grid landscape features in setting land surface-atmosphere exchange (Ian Harman, CSIRO)
1115 Derived Optimal Linear Combination Evapotranspiration (DOLCE): a global gridded synthesis ET estimate (Anna Ukkola, UNSW)
1130 Developing a combined vertical root distribution and satellite-derived model to estimate evapotranspiration in Mediterranean climate zone (Jiahua Zhang, RADI/CAS)
1145 Quantifying vertical soil heterogeneity and its impact on modeled event and seasonal-scale runoff (Geng Xia, U Albany)
1200 Controls on surface soil drying rates observed by SMAP and simulated by the Noah land surface model (Peter Shellito, ESSIC, UMD)
1215 Simulating the Diurnal Cycle in Semiarid Regions (John Edwards, UK Met Office)
S15B. Land-Atmosphere Interactions in the Third Pole Region (Continued from Wednesday) (Ladyslipper+Arnica Room)
1100 Land-Atmosphere Interactions on the Tibetan Plateau – In Situ Observation, Remote Sensing and Modeling (Bob Su, U Twente)
1115 Challenges and progress towards understanding the energy and water exchanges in high mountain Asia by remote sensing (Li Jia, RADI)
1130 Monitoring and modeling the water-cryosphere-atmosphere-biosphere multi-sphere interactions over the Third Pole Region (Yaoming Ma, ITP/CAS)
1145 Closing water balance at basin scale in an endorheic river basin in the Pan Third Pole Region (Xin Li)
1200 Observation and modeling of water vapor crossing over the central Himalaya (Kun Yang, Tsinghua U)
1215 Decadal signal of temperature to hiatus over the Tibetan Plateau (Xiaodan Guan, Lanzhou University)
1230-1445 Lunch provided in the Concourse and Poster Session D
1445-1645 Compound Events Side Meeting (by invitation): Wapiti Room
1445-1645 Afternoon Parallel Sessions
S8. Modeling for Extremes (Crocus Room)
1445 Can the spread in simulated regional-scale hydrologic cycle change be constrained? (Alex Hall, UCLA)
1500 Changes in climate extremes for distinct warming levels in observations as well as fully coupled and prescribed SST simulations (Erich Fischer, ETHZ)
1515 Modeling future changes in Mesoscale Convective Systems: why end-of-century floods might be more severe than expected (Andreas Prein, UCAR)
1530 Observed and simulated rainfall at multiple scales: how do extremes from the Canadian CRCM5 Large-Ensemble scale in space and time in historical and future climate? (Silvia Innocenti, INRS)
1545 Mean and extreme precipitation over European river basins better simulated in a 25km AGCM (Reinhard Schiemann, U Reading)
1600 Modeling of variability and mechanisms of mega droughts over the eastern China during the last millennium (Liang Ning, Nanjing Normal U & U Mass)
1615 Can High Resolution Climate Models Reproduce Rainfall Extremes Associated with Tropical Cyclones? (Cheng-Ta Chen, NTNU)
1630 Investigating the influence of non-Gaussian short cold tails on future model projections of cold extremes (Paul Loikith, PDX)
S12. Satellite Observations for Extremes, Water Cycle Processes and Land-Atmosphere Interactions (Orchid Room)
1445 Observational evidence for soil moisture patterns affecting deep convection in mature mesoscale convective systems (Cornelia Klein, CEH)
1500 Limits on the influence of hydrology on ocean mass variability based on 15 years of GRACE observations (John Reager, NASA)
1515 Global to regional consistency analysis of the water cycle from recently derived satellite products (Ernesto Berbery, UMD)
1530 Hydrological Balance Associated with Pre-monsoon Drought in India (W. Timothy Liu, NASA)
1545 Surface soil moisture dry-down in a land-atmosphere hotspot observed by SMOS and AMSRE/2 and modeled by ORCHIDEE (Romina Ruscica, CIMA)
1600 Precipitation Intensity Trends and Changes in the Tropics from GPCP Observations and Climate Models (Robert Adler, UMD)
1615 Impacts of climate variability on vegetation dynamics as observed from microwave observations (Mariette Vreugdenhil, Tu Wein)
1630 Overview of Long-term Observations of the Global Water Cycle by the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR) Series (Misako Kachi, JAXA)
S13. The Human–Climate-Water Nexus, Climate Change and Water Security (Ladyslipper+Arnica Room)
1445 The impact of human activities on flood and drought severity (Justin Sheffield, Princeton)
1500 Monitoring and Forecasting Water Availability in Food Insecure Regions (Christa Peters-Lidard, NASA)
1515 Global assessment of water management challenges under uncertainty in water scarcity projections (Peter Greve, LIASA)
1530 Emerging Trends In Freshwater Availability As Viewed From Space: Implications for Water, Food and Human Security (Matthew Rodell, NASA GSFCenter for Jay Famiglietti, JPL/Caltech)
1545 Water-energy nexus studies by coupling the H08 global hydrological model and the AIM/CGE integrated assessment model (Naota Hanasaki, NIES)
1600 The global hydrological and water resources model PCR-GLOBWB 2: evaluation and example applications (Nico Wanders, Utrecht U)
1615 Future projections of water resources over North Africa (Aaron Boone, CNRM)
1630 Pan-European changes in water availability due to decadal climate and land use change evaluated using a Budyko-framework (Ryan Teuling, Wageningen U)
1645 Break
1715-1815 Plenary – Land-Based Predictability
1715 Next generation land models: Resolving the terrestrial contribution to climate extremes (Andy Pitman, UNSW)
1735 On the relevance of diurnal cycle model improvements to represent climate extremes (Gianpaolo Balsamo, ECMWF)
1755 Confronting forecast models, reanalyses and land surface models with global remote sensing estimates of land-atmosphere coupling (Paul Dirmeyer, GMU)
1815 End of day
1815-1915 Crosscut on Evapotranspiration Determination Meeting (by invitation only) (Orchid Room)
0830-1000 Plenary on Early Career Researchers (Chair: TBD)
0830 Why tracking Earth’s energy imbalance is an imperative (Kevin Trenberth, NCAR)
0900 Results from Early Career Researcher (ECR) Workshop and ECR Competition Prizes (YESS/YHS): Details TBA
1015 New Activities in GEWEX
1015 A comparison between functional descriptions used to estimate hydraulic and thermal properties in Land Surface Models: implications for the energy-and water balance (Anne Verhoef, U. Reading)
1030 ANDEX, A Hydroclimate Research Program for the Andes and a Prospective GEWEX Regional Hydroclimate Project (RHP) (German Poveda, UNAL)
1045 Break
1115-1245 Closing Plenary
1115 Interactions between the water and carbon cycles (Eleanor Blyth, CEH)
1145 Future strategic directions for WCRP (Guy Brasseur, WCRP)
1215 Conference wrap up (Peter van Oevelen, IGPO)
1230 The ever increasing importance of international research collaboration in climate sciences (Graeme Stephens, NASA)
1245 Conference adjourns
1245-1430 Lunch provided in the Concourse
1430-1730 Side Events
1430-1730 Knowledge Action Network (KAN) on Emergent Risks and Extreme Events (open to all) (Orchid Room)
1430-1730 Water for the Food Baskets and Regional Hydroclimate Projects for the Americas (open to all) (Crocus Room)