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Workshop on Central Asia
An exploration of climate science in Central Asia –
moving towards frontiers of knowledge and action

Oct 4, 2021- Oct 6, 2021

Workshop on Central Asia October 4 – 6, 2021 each day from 12:00 – 15:00 UTC, Online  “An exploration of climate science in Central Asia –– moving towards frontiers of knowledge and action” This workshop will build from an online survey on climate change in Central Asia that the Global Energy and Water EXchanges (GEWEX), […]

South Asian Meteorological Association (SAMA) Webinar on
the Asian Precipitation EXperiment (AsiaPEX)

Sep 4, 2021- Sep 4, 2021

The Asian Precipitation Experiment (AsiaPEX) was launched in 2019 as a prospect Regional Hydroclimate Project (RHP) under the Global Energy and Water Exchanges (GEWEX) program and its Hydroclimatology Panel (GHP) and is the successor of the GEWEX RHPs GAME and the MAHASRI. Under the threat of the climate change due to the global warming, understanding […]

GWF 2021 Annual Open Science Meeting

May 17, 2021- May 19, 2021

The 2021 Global Water Futures (GWF) Annual Open Science Meeting (GWF2021) will bring together the GWF community (researchers, affiliates, partners, collaborators, and stakeholders) in a virtual setting to share our latest scientific achievements and success stories, provide updates on end user solutions, and support the actions needed to secure Canada’s water future. GWF2021 will offer […]

(by invitation only)

May 3, 2021- May 6, 2021

The 33nd Session of the GEWEX Scientific Steering Group (SSG) will be held online from 3-6 May 2021. In anticipation of Phase IV (2023–2032) of GEWEX, this meeting of the SSG will focus on updating GEWEX’s strategy documents and Imperatives to align with WCRP’s new priorities. The agenda for the SSG-33 can be accessed here. […]

Improvement and calibration of clouds in models

Apr 12, 2021- Apr 16, 2021

Initially planned in Toulouse (France), the Workshop Improvement and Calibration of Clouds in Models has changed its format to an online setting. If the situation improves, some small local hubs might be feasible. The goal of this workshop is to discuss and share the latest improvements of atmospheric parameterizations for the representation of clouds with […]