Current Meetings

2024 GHP Meeting

Jul 3, 2024- Jul 5, 2024

About The GEWEX Hydroclimatology Panel (GHP) concentrates on improving our understanding of environmental water and energy exchanges at the regional scale and from an integrated perspective. Addressing the water cycle at the regional scale allows us to better understand the many components of the system, from its physical to economic to social aspects. GHP aims to understand […]

2024 GLASS Panel Meeting

Jul 6, 2024- Jul 6, 2024

The GEWEX/Global Land-Atmosphere System Study (GLASS) panel is a volunteer-based research coordination panel focusing on land model development and evaluation in three core areas: process-oriented exploration, benchmarking (grid-cell to regional to global scales), and global-scale model experimentation and intercomparison. GLASS encourages and coordinates community-based activities in these areas, covering climate and weather timescales in both […]

2024 GDAP Meeting

Jul 6, 2024- Jul 6, 2024

The GEWEX Data and Analysis Panel (GDAP) was organized to bring together theoretical and experimental insights into the radiative interactions and climate feedbacks associated with cloud processes. The central question that governs the GDAP mission is: “how sensitive is the Earth’s climate to changes in radiative and other forcings?” Answering this question will enable improved prediction of […]

Groundwater Workshop

Jul 6, 2024- Jul 7, 2024

For information about the Groundwater workshop, a side meeting of the 9th GEWEX Open Science conference, visit:

9th Global Energy and Water EXchanges
Open Science Conference

Jul 7, 2024- Jul 12, 2024

日本語ウェブサイト Important Dates The implications of a shifting climate on our water and food resources demands an increased understanding of the intricate interplay between humans and the water, energy, and carbon processes, as well as of the dynamic transformations unfolding within them. The 9th Global Energy and Water Exchanges (GEWEX) Open Science Conference, Water ● […]