2023 GDAP Meeting

Oct 19 - 20, 2023 | New York City, NY, USA

Day 1 Thursday, October 19 2023 Collaboration Meetings
08:30 12:30 CERES STM
12:30 13:30 Lunch
13:30 17:30 Joint Meeting GDAP, CERES/Libera, and GISS
Theme: How can GEWEX/GDAP foster increased use of observations for climate model development?
13:30 13:40 Welcome and Introduction to GDAP (Tristan L’Ecuyer and Hiro Masunaga)
13:40 13:45 Guiding Questions Tristan L’Ecuyer and Hiro Masunaga
13:45 15:15 Energy budgets and Water Cycles in Climate Models and Observations
Topics: Recent advances; Observational needs; Convective tracking (ISCCP-NG); observation-model interfaces
15:15 15:45 Coffee/Discussion Break
15:45 17:15 Convection, Processes, and Impacts
Topics: Recent advances; Observational needs; Convective tracking (ISCCP-NG); observation- model interfaces
17:15 17:30 Wrap-up and Next Steps
18:00   TBD Group Dinner
Day 2 Friday, October 20, 2023 Panel Business

This portion of the meeting can be attended virtually via a link found at the CERES website:

08:30 09:30 New Member Presentation
08:30 09:00 Brent Roberts
09:00 09:30 Patrick Taylor
09:30 10:30 Project Updates
09:30 09:45 Earth Energy Imbalance (EEI) – Benoit Meyssignac
09:45 10:00 Baseline Surface Radiation Network (BSRN) – Christian Lanconelli
10:00 10:15 The International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project – Next Generation (ISCCP-NG) – Andrew Heidinger
10:15 10:30 Convective Tracking – Hanii takahashi
10:30 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 12:20 New Initiatives (Group discussion)
11:00 11:20 GDAP’s Role in GPEX and a Possible 2nd Precipitation Assessment
11:20 11:40 Cross-panel Activities: Status and Next Steps
11:40 12:20 Identifying Gaps: Membership and Projects
Example Topics: Long-term data records/continuity; The Spectral Dimension of LW/SW Radiation; Radar; Polar Energy and Water Cycles; etc.
12:20 13:00 Wrap-Up
12:20 12:40 GEWEX Open Science Conference and Next Panel Meeting
12:40 12:50 Opportunities for Promoting GDAP Work
12:50 13:00 Closing Remarks
13:00     Meeting Adnourns

Afternoon: Open meetings