Call for Abstracts
We are calling for studies relying on process-oriented diagnostics, modeling, and new observational data, applied to enhance our understanding and modeling capabilities of atmospheric processes and their coupling with the surface. We have listed some potential topics under each of our four main themes, but we also welcome submissions addressing other topics related to the themes which may not be listed below. Proposals for potential new community projects are particularly welcomed, including proposing a topic and possible approaches OR proposing specific activities in greater detail.
Themes and Sessions
The 3rd Pan-GASS conference will be articulated around the following four main themes.
➣ Organization of shallow and deep convection:
- underlying processes and dependence on environmental conditions
- representation in numerical models
- role in extreme events, large-scale circulation and cloud feedbacks
➣ Surface-atmosphere interactions and the boundary layer:
- role of meso-scale processes in air-sea coupling
- role of land-atmosphere coupling in predictive skill
- surface and orographic drag
- atmospheric boundary layer over land, ocean, and ice
➣ Cloud systems and associated processes (microphysics, physics, dynamics, radiation):
- convective systems, including shallow/deep transition, precipitation intensity and
variability, scale-awareness and transition from parameterized to resolved convection
- mixed-phase clouds, cirrus, and fog
- polar clouds and PBL processes
- radiative transfer
➣ Towards global km-scale modeling and Digital Twins of the Earth System:
- strengths and challenges of km-scale modeling
- innovative approaches for high-performance computing, data analysis, and visualization
- science in support of WCRP’s Lighthouse Activity on Digital Earths and of the European Commission Destination Earth (DestinE) program
Visit Registration to register for the 3rd Pan-GASS Meeting and to submit your abstract.
Submission is limited to one abstract per registrant.
Background image courtesy of the International GEWEX Project Office