The 2019 CFMIP Meeting on Clouds, Precipitation, Circulation, and Climate Sensitivity will be held Sep. 30 to Oct. 4, 2019 at the St. John Hotel in Mykonos, Greece.
This CFMIP international meeting will focus on the theme of the WCRP Grand Challenge on Clouds, Circulation and Climate Sensitivity, will foster collaboration with the GEWEX-GASS and CLIVAR CDP programs, and will address all other ongoing CFMIP activities, including CFMIP-sponsored Model Intercomparison Projects (MIPS) and experiments.
The five-day meeting will include oral and poster sessions on:
If you plan to attend the conference, please also see:
+ Oral and Poster Abstract Submission (Google Docs form)
Local Organizing Committee
+ George Tselioudis (NASA/ISS, USA)
+ Vasso Kotroni (NOA/IERSD, Greece)
+ Kostas Lagouvardos (NOA/IERSD, Greece)
+ Dimitra Consta (NOA, Greece)
+ Derek Tropf (NASA/GISS, USA)
Steering Committee:
+ George Tselioudis (NASA/GISS, USA)
+ Masahiro Watanabe (Univ. Tokyo, Japan)
+ Mark Webb (MetOffice, UK),
+ Chris Bretherton (Univ. Washington, USA)
+ Sandrine Bony (LMD/IPSL, France)
+ Steve Klein (LLNL, USA)
+ Jennifer Kay (Univ. Colorado, USA)
+ Yen-Ting Hwang (National Taiwan Uiv.)
+ Thorsten Mauritsen (Stockholm Univ.)
+ Florent Brient (Meteo-France)
+ Sarah Kang (UNIST, South Korea)
+ Allison Wing (Florida St. Univ., USA)
+ Paulo Ceppi (Imperial College London)
For more information and registration click here, or contact George Tselioudis