Financial Assistance for Students, Early Career Researchers and Scientists from Developing Countries
Limited financial assistance in the form of travel support and/or fee waivers are available to enable and support the attendance of students, early career researchers (ECR1s) and scientists from certain developing countries to the 9th GEWEX Open Science Conference (GEWEX OSC).
Assistance will be assigned based on financial need and scientific merit of the proposed presentation described in the abstract, the applicant’s contribution to the GEWEX OSC and their provision of all supporting documents (see below). Applicants must attend the entire conference in order to qualify for the financial assistance.
Note that the travel support will most likely not cover the entire cost of attending the GEWEX OSC; therefore, applicants are strongly advised to secure partial support from other sources.
Priority will be given to:
1An Early Career Researcher (ECR) is an undergraduate or postgraduate (Masters/PhD) student or a scientist who has received the highest degree (BSc, MSc, or PhD) within the past six years. Provided parental leave fell into that period, up to one year of parental leave time may be added per child, where appropriate with a maximum of four years total.
How to Apply for Financial Support
In order to qualify for financial support, applicants must SUBMIT ALL OF THE FOLLOWING:
As already mentioned above, we strongly encourage the applicant to secure a significant proportion of support from national or institutional sources, as the financial support granted by the organizing committee does not usually cover all costs of attending the conference.