The program is outlined below. The full agenda is available here.

Symposium Sessions:
Consecutive 20 minute keynote presentations will be followed by 30 minutes of open discussion.
- Changes of Climate Forcing and Terrestrial Feedback
LS3MIP/CMIP6 & GSWP3/GLASS: Hyungjun Kim, The University of Tokyo, Japan
ESM-SnowMIP: Gerhard Krinner, LGGE, France
LUMIP: Dave Lawrence, NCAR, USA
- Changing Climate and Natural-Human System
ISIMIP: Jacob Schewe, PIK, Germany
WFaS: Yoshihide Wada, IIASA, Austria
H08: Naota Hanasaki, NIES, Japan
- Satellite Remote Sensing and Model Integration
WWO/NASA: James Famiglietti, JPL/NASA, USA
DIAS: Akiyuki Kawasaki, The University of Tokyo, Japan
- Dealing with Uncertainties in Model Simulations
ILAMB: Forrest Hoffman, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
PALS: Gab Abramowitz, University of South Wales, Australia
HAPPI: Daniel Mitchell, Bristol University
- Delivering Science to Society
Taikan Oki, University of Tokyo, Japan
Murugesu Sivapalan, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign, USA
Joon Kim, Seoul National University, Korea
Workshop Sessions:
The workshop sessions will consist of 6 talks, with each talk 15 minutes in length including Q/A. The topics will cover a broad range of topics from the Earth system to social sciences related to climate extremes and including extreme events and global circulations.
- Climate Extremes: Atmospheric Forcing, Land Feedback and Propagation
Chair: Tomohito Yamada, Hokkaido University, Japan; Jin-Ho Yoon, GIST, Korea
- Interaction between Nature and Society: Modeling and Policies
Chair: Min-Hui Lo, National Taiwan University, Taiwan; Shinichiro Nakamura, Nagoya University
- Short-/mid-range Hydrologic Forecast and Data Assimilation
Chair: David Cedric, JPL/NASA, USA; Kei Yoshimura, University of Tokyo, Japan
- Satellite Remote Sensing for Extreme Monitoring
Chair: JT Reager, JPL, USA; Shinta Seto, Nagasaki University, Japan
Open Science Sessions:
- Open ISIMIP Session
Jacob Schewe, PIK, Germany; Hyungjun Kim, University of Tokyo, Japan
- Open GLASS/GEWEX Session
Gab Abramowitz, University of South Wales, Australia; Mike Ek, NCEP, USA; Aaron Boone, Meteo-France, France; Sonia Seneviratne, ETH, Switzerland; Hyungjun Kim, University of Tokyo, Japan
Tutorial Sessions:
- ILAMB Model Benchmarking Package: Description, Installation, and Basic Operation
Nathan Collier, ORNL, USA
- ILAMB Model Benchmarking Package: User issues, Package Design, and Advanced Usage
Nathan Collier (ORNL, USA)
Joint Project Meetings are managed by each project (e.g., GSWP, ISIMIP, RivMIP, ILAMB, ESM-SnowMIP, HAPPI, and so on), and parts of meetings are possibly opened to registered observers.
HESSS4 is jointly supported by Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo (IIS UTokyo SYMPOSIUM No.90), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS, 16H06291), International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences (IAMAS)/ International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), and Global Energy and Water Exchanges (GEWEX)