2nd LIAISE Conference

May 22 - 23, 2025 | Toulouse, France


Centre International de Conférences (CIC)
42, avenue Gaspard Coriolis
31057 Toulouse cedex 1

For detailed directions to CIC, click here.


There are many different types of accommodations in the vicinity of CLC. Please use yourown preferred accommodation booking method.

Visa and other requirements to enter France

France is part of the Schengen Area. Residents of certain countries must apply for a visa in their home country before entering France. With the Visa Wizard you can easily check whether this applies to you or not. Click here to acces the Visa Wizard.

Health and Safety

Pharmacies can be identified by a Green Cross.
Medical emergency: dial 15
Police: dial 17
Fire department (fires, accidents, emergency): dial 18

Code of Conduct

All attendees and participants are expected to conduct themselves with integrity and in a manner that is professional, respectful, tolerant and responsible. A zero-tolerance approach will be applied to any form of discrimination or harassment, including but not limited to sexual harassment and bullying.

Discrimination is any unfair treatment or arbitrary distinction based on a person’s race, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, age, language, social origin or other status. Discrimination may be an isolated event affecting one person or a group of persons similarly situated or may manifest itself through harassment or abuse of authority.

Harassment is any improper and unwelcome conduct that might reasonably be expected or be perceived to cause offense or humiliation to another person because of inter alia, an individual’s gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, ethnicity, national origin, age, or religion. Bullying is unwelcome, aggressive behavior involving the use of influence, threat, intimidation, or coercion to dominate others in the professional environment.’

Harassment or bullying may take the form of words, gestures or actions which tend to annoy, alarm, abuse, demean, intimidate, belittle, humiliate or embarrass another or which create intimidating, hostile or offensive professional environment.

Sexual harassment is a specific type of prohibited conduct. It is any unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment may be any conduct of a verbal, including via electronic or telephonic means, nonverbal or physical in nature and may occur between persons of the opposite or same sex.

In the event that a participant of this conference, feels that an issue has arisen regarding disrespectful treatment, harassment bullying or discrimination, regardless of whether it rises to the level of breach of this conduct, the member or event participant is encouraged to discuss it in confidence, with anyone in the list below, as appropriate:

  • Aaron Boone, or any other member of the organizing committee
  • members of the International GEWEX Project Office, Peter van Oevelen and Fernande Vervoort

or send a message to contact@gewexevents.org with your contact information and a short description of the issue.

In the event of a clear or perceived breach of the code of conduct, it may be reported in writing to the Director of the International GEWEX Project Office, or the Chair(s) of the GEWEX SSG. Once this is received, a GEWEX SSG member will be appointed as point of contact, who will first discuss with the complainant on how they wish to proceed.

All reports and allegations of breaches to this code of conduct will be handled sensitively and in confidence. The immediate priority will be to protect the privacy of the person(s) exposed to the breach of conduct and the need for further action will be assessed carefully on a case-by-case basis.


The organizers cannot accept liability for personal accident, loss, or damage to private property, which may be incurred as a result of participation in the 2nd LIAISE Conference. Participants are, therefore, advised to arrange appropriate insurance coverage.

The organizing committee will not accept liability for damages of any nature sustained by participants or loss of or damage to their personal property as a result of any event.