Keynote Presentations Plenary Sessions
File name convention: Day-P-Starting time_Last name_First name [use 24 hr clock]
Dr. Jun Takahashi gives a presentation during the plenary on Wednesday morning at 09:30. The file name of the uploaded presentation should be: Wed-P-0930_Takahashi_Jun
Oral Presentations Parallel Sessions
File name convention: Day-Session#-Starting time_Last name_First name [use 24 hr clock]
Example 1:
Dr. Alice Brown is scheduled to give a presentation in Session 2 on Friday at 09:15 hrs. The file name of the uploaded presentation should be: Fri-02-0915_Brown_Alice
Example 2:
Dr. Mùchén Zhang is scheduled to give a presentation in Session 20 on Tuesday at 14:30 hrs. The file name of the uploaded presentation should be: Tue-20-1430_Zhang_Mùchén
It is very important that you adhere to the above convention to minimize errors and unnecessary delays.
File types: PDF and PPTx
Max. file size: 50MB
Aspect resolution screen is set to 16:9