6th OzEWEX Workshop: Human-Environment Interactions in the Murray-Darling Basin-From Forecasting to Foresighting The recent drought has yet again placed water resources in the Murray Darling Basin in the public spotlight. While decisions related water management policy in the basin will naturally remain contested and political, it is critical that policy is developed upon the solid […]
From 28–30 October 2019, a workshop will be held to discuss priorities for the future direction of the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project – Next Generation (ISCCP-NG), which will be held at EUMETSAT in Darmstadt, Germany. The local organization of the workshop is led by EUMETSAT in coordination with partners. For more information, click here. […]
The 2019 GEWEX Hydroclimatology Panel (GHP) meeting will be held in Sydney (NSW), Australia from Friday through Saturday, 11-12 October 2019. This meeting is hosted together with the GHP CC Workshop: “Determining Evapotranspiration”, by Jason Evans, at the Climate Change Research Center (CCRC), University of New South Wales. The 2019 GHP meeting will be used […]
The GEWEX Hydroclimatology Panel (GHP) hosts Crosscuting projects (CC) defined as “focused activities that address specific science questions.” They allow Regional Hydroclimate Projects (RHPs) to collaborate transversely, and are open to scientists that are not members of an RHP. GHP aims to explore, via an interdisciplinary forum, whether it is timely to open a discussion […]
The 2019 CFMIP Meeting on Clouds, Precipitation, Circulation, and Climate Sensitivity will be held Sep. 30 to Oct. 4, 2019 at the St. John Hotel in Mykonos, Greece. This CFMIP international meeting will focus on the theme of the WCRP Grand Challenge on Clouds, Circulation and Climate Sensitivity, will foster collaboration with the GEWEX-GASS and […]