ParaCon is hosting the Convection Parametrization: progress and challenges workshop as a follow up to Future of Cumulus Parametrization (Delft, 2017). There will be a side meeting for one of the GASS projects. Workshop Aims The aim of this workshop is to discuss and share the latest scientific understanding in convection parametrization research, and follows on […]
Since the launch of the GEWEX/GASS “Impact of initialized land temperature and snowpack on sub-seasonal to seasonal prediction” (LS4P) Initiative and “Third Pole Experiment Multi-Model Intercomparison” (TPEMIP) Project in 2018, more evidence and research support that the high elevation land surface temperature/subsurface temperature (LST/SUBT) in the initial condition in the Third Pole region (TP) has […]
8th G-VAP workshop is hosted by AEMET and will take place at AEMET Heaquarters. The need for quality assessments of Essential Climate Variables (ECVs) Climate Data Records (CDRs) is part of the GCOS guidelines for the generation of data products. The assessement process gives an overview of available data records and enables users to judge […]
PannEx is an initiating Regional Hydroclimate Project (RHP) of the Global Energy and Water Exchange (GEWEX) project of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP). GEWEX aims to observe, understand and model the hydrological cycle and energy fluxes in the Earth’s atmosphere, at and below the surface. It proceeds by means of an integrated program of […]
The 12th HyMeX workshop will take place from Monday 20 May to Friday 24 May 2019 in Split, Croatia. It is organised by the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, in collaboration with the Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service. Objective The general objectives of the HyMeX Workshops are to present and discuss recent scientific progresses in […]