Past Meetings

Aerosols Clouds Precipitation and Climate (ACPC) Workshop 2019

Apr 24, 2019- Apr 26, 2019

3rd ANDEX Workshop

Apr 21, 2019- Apr 24, 2019

ANDEX is a prospective Regional Hydroclimate Project (RHP) of the GEWEX Hydroclimatology Panel (GHP). It aims to improve our understanding and prediction of climate and hydrology along the Andes cordillera. The objective of the third ANDEX Meeting is to assess the advancement of the White Book, entitled “ANDEX – A Regional Hydroclimate Project (RHP) on […]

SSG-31 (by invitation only)

Feb 25, 2019- Mar 1, 2019

The 31st Session of the GEWEX Scientific Steering Group (SSG) will take place from 25 February to 1 March 2019 at the headquarters of World Meteorological Orgnization (WMO) in Geneva, Switzerland. Local information on the venue, transportation, accommodation, etc. can be found here. Registration is closed. If you have received an invitation and want to […]

UCP 2019: Understanding Clouds and Precipitation

Feb 25, 2019- Mar 1, 2019

Clouds, through their influence on radiative transfer, help determine Earth’s energy budget and its susceptibility to perturbations. Clouds and their associated precipitation influence the dynamics of circulation systems, especially in the tropics. Increasingly cloud radiative effects are recognized as an additional mechanism for organizing circulation systems. UCP2019, as part of the Grand Science Challenge on […]

5th OzEWEX Workshop: Water in the Anthropocene

Jan 31, 2019- Feb 1, 2019

In predicting the trajectory of future climate, water and ecosystems, we can no longer ignore the many ways in which human feedbacks modify our natural systems. The 5th national OzEWEX workshop will explore how well we understand stores and fluxes of water and energy at the landscape scale subject human influences including greenhouse gas emissions, […]