About The International Symposium on Energy and Water Exchanges in Land-Atmosphere Interactions is hosted by the Pukyong National University and will take place on 15–16 July 2024. The symposium aims to bring together from senior to young scientists spanning multiple generations to explore and discuss the latest advancements and challenges, particularly in the themes of […]
“I immensely appreciate the opportunity given to me to participate in the 9th GEWEX OSC. The experience is superior and the networks created are great.” Ugochukwu Kingsley Okoro, Imo State University, Nigeria “Just wanted to congratulate you on an extremely impressive GEWEX OSC in Sapporo. It was informative, good for networking, cutting edge science, linking […]
The GEWEX/Global Land-Atmosphere System Study (GLASS) panel is a volunteer-based research coordination panel focusing on land model development and evaluation in three core areas: process-oriented exploration, benchmarking (grid-cell to regional to global scales), and global-scale model experimentation and intercomparison. GLASS encourages and coordinates community-based activities in these areas, covering climate and weather timescales in both […]
The GEWEX Data and Analysis Panel (GDAP) was organized to bring together theoretical and experimental insights into the radiative interactions and climate feedbacks associated with cloud processes. The central question that governs the GDAP mission is: “how sensitive is the Earth’s climate to changes in radiative and other forcings?” Answering this question will enable improved prediction of […]
For information about the Groundwater workshop, a side meeting of the 9th GEWEX Open Science conference, visit: https://www.gewexevents.org/meetings/gewex-osc2024/program/groundwater-workshop/