Presentation Guidelines

Oral Presentations

Keynote Presentations Plenary Sessions

Keynote presenters during the plenary session on Monday morning, July 8th, have been notified of the length of their presentation.

The keynote presentations during the plenary sessions from Tuesday to Friday, July 9–12, should not exceed 25 minutes to allow at least 5 minutes for questions.

The filename of your slide deck should follow the convention: Day-P-starting time_Last name_First name [use 24 hr clock].

Oral Presentations Parallel Sessions

The speakers of an oral presentation in parallel sessions 1 to 29 have 12 minutes to present and 3 minutes to answer questions. Your presentation must be a PowerPoint file or a PDF.

The filename of your slide deck should follow the convention: Day-Session#-Starting time_Last name_First name [use 24 hr clock].

Uploading your Oral Presentation

You can upload your slide deck for your oral presentation at If you have given your consent on the upload form, your presentation will be linked to the detailed program. 

Presenters must upload their presentations no later than 24 hours before the scheduled presentation and are asked to be present in the meeting room at least 15 minutes before the start of their presentation.

Poster Presentations

General Poster Guidelines

Each poster is assigned to a session and will be presented according to the program.

At least one of each poster’s authors must be a registered participant and present at the conference. On the day the assigned session is scheduled, presenters are required to remain with their poster to answer questions of the conference participants at least during the core poster session between 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM.

Poster Creation Guidelines

The poster size should be A0 landscape (841 x 1189 cm or 33.11 x 46.81 inches). The boards that display the posters are in landscape format with a dimension of width=1800mm and height=2100 mm, and each board holds one posters.

Local Poster Printing

ACCEA offers A0 printing services and is reasonable priced. You can upload the file in advance via web site The website is in Japanese, but most web browser offer translation to your preferred language. The poster can be picked up at “Asty 45” which is only 2 blocks from Keio Plaza hotel.

Poster Set Up and Removal

Posters will be on display in the Plaza Hall and Cherry meeting room. Adhesive material will be provided.

If you are presenting a poster, you are asked to set up your poster on the morning of your scheduled presentation. Removal of your poster is on the same day after 18:00 hrs.

 If you already know that your poster will not be presented, you are kindly asked to withdraw your corresponding abstract as soon as possible. Posters not presented are not only frustrating for those people present, but also costly as board space is reserved for your poster. Please email to withdraw your poster.

The floor plan of the poster boards in Plaza Hall and Cherry can be found here.

On the day of the scheduled poster session, presenters are expected to be present at their poster for at least 1 hour during the core session (16:00 – 17:30) to engage with attendees.

Make your Poster Available Online

We would like to collect all the posters as Acrobat PDFs and make them available on the conference website. We therefore kindly ask you to submit the PDF version of your poster at The filename should follow this convention: Day-session#-poster board#_Last name, First name.